
Overview for tooltip

The Angular Material tooltip provides a text label that is displayed when the user hovers over or longpresses an element.

Basic tooltip

The tooltip will be displayed below the element but this can be configured using the matTooltipPosition input. The tooltip can be displayed above, below, left, or right of the element. By default the position will be below. If the tooltip should switch left/right positions in an RTL layout direction, then the positions before and after should be used instead of left and right, respectively.

Position Description
above Always display above the element
below Always display beneath the element
left Always display to the left of the element
right Always display to the right of the element
before Display to the left in left-to-right layout and to the right in right-to-left layout
after Display to the right in left-to-right layout and to the left in right-to-left layout
Tooltip with a custom position

By default, the tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the tooltip's trigger element and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves.

On mobile, the tooltip is displayed when the user longpresses the element and hides after a delay of 1500ms.

To add a delay before showing or hiding the tooltip, you can use the inputs matTooltipShowDelay and matTooltipHideDelay to provide a delay time in milliseconds.

The following example has a tooltip that waits one second to display after the user hovers over the button, and waits two seconds to hide after the user moves the mouse away.

Tooltip with a show and hide delay

You can configure your app's tooltip default show/hide delays by configuring and providing your options using the MAT_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_OPTIONS injection token.

Tooltip with a show and hide delay

To manually cause the tooltip to show or hide, you can call the show and hide directive methods, which both accept a number in milliseconds to delay before applying the display change.

Tooltip that can be manually shown/hidden.

To completely disable a tooltip, set matTooltipDisabled. While disabled, a tooltip will never be shown.

Elements with the matTooltip will add an aria-describedby label that provides a reference to a visually hidden element containing the tooltip's message. This provides screenreaders the information needed to read out the tooltip's contents when the end-user focuses on the element triggering the tooltip. The element referenced via aria-describedby is not the tooltip itself, but instead an invisible copy of the tooltip content that is always present in the DOM.

If a tooltip will only be shown manually via click, keypress, etc., then extra care should be taken such that the action behaves similarly for screen-reader users. One possible approach would be to use the LiveAnnouncer from the cdk/a11y package to announce the tooltip content on such an interaction.