
Overview for chips

<mat-chip-list> displays a list of values as individual, keyboard accessible, chips.

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By default, <mat-chip> has Material Design styles applied. For a chip with no styles applied, use <mat-basic-chip>. You can then customize the chip appearance by adding your own CSS.

Hint: <mat-basic-chip> receives the mat-basic-chip CSS class in addition to the mat-chip class.

Chips can be selected via the selected property. Selection can be disabled by setting selectable to false on the <mat-chip-list>.

Whenever the selection state changes, a ChipSelectionChange event will be emitted via (selectionChange).

Individual chips may be disabled by applying the disabled attribute to the chip. When disabled, chips are neither selectable nor focusable.

The MatChipInput directive can be used together with a chip-list to streamline the interaction between the two components. This directive adds chip-specific behaviors to the input element within <mat-form-field> for adding and removing chips. The <input> with MatChipInput can be placed inside or outside the chip-list element.

An example of chip input placed inside the chip-list element.

Chips with input

An example of chip input placed outside the chip-list element.

  <mat-chip-list #chipList>
    <mat-chip>Chip 1</mat-chip>
    <mat-chip>Chip 2</mat-chip>
  <input [matChipInputFor]="chipList">

An example of chip input with an autocomplete placed inside the chip-list element.

Chips Autocomplete

Users can move through the chips using the arrow keys and select/deselect them with the space. Chips also gain focus when clicked, ensuring keyboard navigation starts at the appropriate chip.

If you want the chips in the list to be stacked vertically, instead of horizontally, you can apply the mat-chip-list-stacked class, as well as the aria-orientation="vertical" attribute:

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Default options for the chips module can be specified using the MAT_CHIPS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS injection token.

  providers: [
      useValue: {
        separatorKeyCodes: [ENTER, COMMA]

The selected color of an <mat-chip> can be changed by using the color property. By default, chips use a neutral background color based on the current theme (light or dark). This can be changed to 'primary', 'accent', or 'warn'.

A chip-list behaves as a role="listbox", with each chip being a role="option". The chip input should have a placeholder or be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby.