Overview for a11y
The a11y
package provides a number of tools to improve accessibility, described below.
manages the active option in a list of items based on keyboard interaction.
Intended to be used with components that correspond to a role="menu"
or role="listbox"
Basic usage
Any component that uses a ListKeyManager
will generally do three things:
- Create a
query for the options being managed. - Initialize the
, passing in the options. - Forward keyboard events from the managed component to the
Each option should implement the ListKeyManagerOption
interface ListKeyManagerOption {
disabled?: boolean;
getLabel?(): string;
Navigation through options can be made to wrap via the withWrap
this.keyManager = new FocusKeyManager(...).withWrap();
Types of key managers
There are two varieties of ListKeyManager
, FocusKeyManager
and ActiveDescendantKeyManager
Used when options will directly receive browser focus. Each item managed must implement the
interface FocusableOption extends ListKeyManagerOption {
focus(): void;
Used when options will be marked as active via aria-activedescendant
Each item managed must implement the
interface Highlightable extends ListKeyManagerOption {
setActiveStyles(): void;
setInactiveStyles(): void;
Each item must also have an ID bound to the listbox's or menu's aria-activedescendant
The cdkTrapFocus
directive traps Tab key focus within an element. This is intended to
be used to create accessible experience for components like
modal dialogs, where focus must be
This directive is declared in A11yModule
<div class="my-inner-dialog-content" cdkTrapFocus>
<!-- Tab and Shift + Tab will not leave this element. -->
This directive will not prevent focus from moving out of the trapped region due to mouse interaction.
Regions can be declared explicitly with an initial focus element by using
the cdkFocusRegionStart
, cdkFocusRegionEnd
and cdkFocusInitial
DOM attributes.
specifies the element that will receive focus upon initialization of the region.
and cdkFocusRegionEnd
define the region within which focus will be
trapped. When using the tab key, focus will move through this region and wrap around on either end.
For example:
<a mat-list-item routerLink cdkFocusRegionStart>Focus region start</a>
<a mat-list-item routerLink>Link</a>
<a mat-list-item routerLink cdkFocusInitial>Initially focused</a>
<a mat-list-item routerLink cdkFocusRegionEnd>Focus region end</a>
Note: If you're using cdkFocusInitial
together with the CdkTrapFocus
directive, nothing
will happen unless you've enabled the cdkTrapFocusAutoCapture
option as well. This is due to
not capturing focus on initialization by default.
is used to check the interactivity of an element, capturing disabled,
visible, tabbable, and focusable states for accessibility purposes. See the API docs for more
is used to announce messages for screen-reader users using an aria-live
See the W3C's WAI-ARIA
for more information on aria-live regions.
export class MyComponent {
constructor(liveAnnouncer: LiveAnnouncer) {
liveAnnouncer.announce("Hey Google");
The FocusMonitor
is an injectable service that can be used to listen for changes in the focus
state of an element. It's more powerful than just listening for focus
or blur
events because it
tells you how the element was focused (via mouse, keyboard, touch, or programmatically). It also
allows listening for focus on descendant elements if desired.
To listen for focus changes on an element, use the monitor
method which takes an element to
monitor and an optional boolean flag checkChildren
. Passing true for checkChildren
will tell the
to consider the element focused if any of its descendants are focused. This option
defaults to false
if not specified. The monitor
method will return an Observable that emits the
whenever the focus state changes. The FocusOrigin
will be one of the following:
indicates the element was focused with the mouse'keyboard'
indicates the element was focused with the keyboard'touch'
indicates the element was focused by touching on a touchscreen'program'
indicates the element was focused programmaticallynull
indicates the element was blurred
In addition to emitting on the observable, the FocusMonitor
will automatically apply CSS classes
to the element when focused. It will add .cdk-focused
if the element is focused and will further
add .cdk-${origin}-focused
(with ${origin}
being mouse
, keyboard
, touch
, or program
) to
indicate how the element was focused.
Note: currently the FocusMonitor
emits on the observable outside of the Angular zone. Therefore
if you markForCheck
in the subscription you must put yourself back in the Angular zone.
focusMonitor.monitor(el).subscribe(origin => this.ngZone.run(() => /* ... */ ));
Any element that is monitored by calling monitor
should eventually be unmonitored by calling
with the same element.
It is possible to falsify the FocusOrigin
when setting the focus programmatically by using the
method of FocusMonitor
. This method accepts an element to focus and the FocusOrigin
to use. If the element being focused is currently being monitored by the FocusMonitor
it will
report the FocusOrigin
that was passed in. If the element is not currently being monitored it will
just be focused like normal.
cdkMonitorElementFocus and cdkMonitorSubtreeFocus
For convenience, the CDK also provides two directives that allow for easily monitoring an element.
is the equivalent of calling monitor
on the host element with
set to false
. cdkMonitorSubtreeFocus
is the equivalent of calling monitor
the host element with checkChildren
set to true
. Each of these directives has an @Output()
that will emit the new FocusOrigin
whenever it changes.
Styling utilities
The CDK a11y
package comes with a set of CSS styles that can be used when building accessible
components. To take advantage of them, you have to include the styles in your global stylesheet.
If you're using Material together with the CDK, these styles have been included for you already.
@import '~@angular/cdk/text-field/text-field';
@include cdk-a11y();
Hiding elements, while keeping them available for screen readers
By default, screen readers and other assistive technology will skip elements that have
display: none
, visibility: hidden
etc. In some cases you may need to visually hide an element,
while keeping it available for assistive technology. You can do so using the cdk-visually-hidden
<div class="custom-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="cdk-visually-hidden">
Targeting high contrast users
The a11y
package offers a mixin that allows you to target users that have the Windows high
contrast mode turned on. To target high contrast users, you can wrap your styles with the
mixin. The mixin works by targeting a CSS class which is added to the body
by the CDK when high contrast mode is detected at runtime.
button {
@include cdk-high-contrast {
outline: solid 1px;